Idler's Cove Press (embossed)

Titles published by Idler's Cove Press

Beginnings: Creativity * Belief * Evolution and Our Interconnected Universe

In this first book of the Ecocosm series, Beginnings author Dennis Hollenberg takes the reader on a tour of our familiar world through its little known back roads. This is the book that describes with a plethora of examples of how humans and other life forms develop, function and organize themselves and each other. He introduces the dynamic which he proposes drives innovation -- the "creativity and evolution" in the book's subtitle -- and can account for phenomena as diverse as Shakespeare's plays, social patterns of culture and civilization's institutions, biological evolution, intriguing interactions among organisms, cells and molecules (including those of the genome), and atoms and their parts. Beginnings offers ideas that readers interested in practical science topics will revisit often (available January, 2002).
Aristotle Annotated

With measures of humor and his inevitably deft touch, Michael Doyle offers us an exciting reinterpretation of Aristotle's view of natural history in his fascinating new book, Aristotle Annotated. Under Doyle's able direction, the "annotation" in the title, we find just how surprisingly modern Aristotle's view -- nearly twenty-five centuries ago -- of the world was. Characteristically, Doyle's writing gives readers tangible evidence of enduring connections harking back to others, including our favorite Greek, Heraclitus. For those eager for a guided tour through what some call the underpinnings of Western thought, this forthcoming book will prove worth the wait (due 2002).
Aristotle Annotated
Natural Conflict: Northwest Coastal Indians and the Western Assault

Historian Iohann Sobachnikov brings his considerable analytical skills and familiarity with international archival resources (particularly those of Russia) to bear on the history of the Pacific Northwest Coastal Indian experience during the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. His forthcoming book, Natural Conflict, lays out the many dimensions of clash and exchange between cultures in the rainy, fog-shrouded maritime forests of South-eastern Alaska and western Canada. At once chilling in its detailed descriptions of specific interactions -- such as the Tlingit destruction of the Russian fort, Archangelsk -- Sobachnikov also points out areas of mutual benefit. Putting the reader squarely in those times, Natural Conflict is a masterly rendered view of this little known realm of history (late 2002).
Natural Conflict
Ecocosm: Innovation and Transcendence in an Ecological Superuniverse

Ecocosm is the second book of the Ecocosm series and further explores the new dynamical-information view of innovation introduced in Beginnings. In Ecocosm, author Dennis Hollenberg delves deeper into topics such as genetic processes and evolution, human social institutions, and the physical characteristics of the cosmos itself. Among the insights he offers is evidence that the conventional view of evolution by genetic mutation is wrong and the specifics of the origins of the universe depart frrom and lie beyond the reach of contemporary physics (expected November, 2002).

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